Friday, January 24, 2020

Some Updates

    I realize that I haven't written in quite a while, but now I have a minute so I wanted to update anyone who reads this on some changes to the blog while I'm here.

    First off, I changed the name! The old one 'The brain that wouldn't be silent stxcfggfzblahblah' was really too long and this new title hopefully gets the actual point across.

    Second, I was reviewing some of my older posts and realized that some of them have a really elitist 'I'm so smart y'all be dumb to not agree' tone to them. That is NOT the tone of voice I want to create on this blog and I get annoyed with media that has that tone in the first place. Sincerest apologies, and I'll be editing some of those articles hopefully soon.

    Also I moved.

    Anyways, hope to put out some good content soon. I'm probably going to reevaluate the focus of this blog soon to bring more order into this, once I get the time.

    Take care, get a good night's sleep, and stay hydrated.

Film Review: Spiderman - Into the Spiderverse

           Rare but precious are the times when I sit down to enjoy a story and midway through realize it's a story I've been needin...